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Apr 18, 2011

COOGI's CEO, Vincent Nesi

Vincent Nesi went from a career in finance to designing clothes, and now he's CEO of Luxirie by LRG, heading up one of the most lively and diverse women's street brands out there. I recently sat down with Vincent to preview Luxirie's fall 2010 collection, chat about his idol, how he made the come-up and more:

"When it comes to merchandising, you have buyers coming in every 15 minutes, so you have to be super quick. When you meet somebody, you have to know within the first minute, how do I play today? Are they super straight-laced, and you're not supposed to use the f-word in the appointment? You have about 15 seconds to read them, and then another 15 minutes to make an entire presentation to try and sell them as much as you can."

YouTube Interview with Vincent Nesi

urban news-who’s making moves vincent nesi ceo of luxirie