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Apr 23, 2011

iPetitions - Start a free online petition in minutes

iPetitions takes the power of the internet to transform society and places it in the hands of ordinary people. With iPetitions, you don't have to be a technical whiz or corporate behemoth to get your voice heard. We give you the tools and community to create your own sophisticated online campaign. All you have to do is write a petition in support of your cause. We help you gather support from around the world.

Apr 21, 2011

SIX FOR FIVE: BO WEINBERG Evolution of an Illustration

Portraits and Profiles of Jewish Gangsters: SIX FOR FIVE: BO WEINBERG Evolution of an Illustration

Malaria Kills | Nothing But Nets Campaign

Malaria Kills | Nothing But Nets Campaign

Dutch Schultz - "Dutch Schultz"

Dutch Schultz

Arthur Flegenheimer dropped out of school at 14, after his father abandoned the family. He took honest work as a paper boy, an office worker, a printer's apprentice, and a roofer, but within a few years he found more lucrative work as an enforcer, pickpocket, and robber of illegal gambling operations. In his late teens he served more than a year in the penitentiary for breaking and entering, which was the only crime of which he was ever convicted. In prison he made valuable criminal contacts, and when he was released from jail he told his gangland cohorts to call him "Dutch Schultz", the name of an especially brutal gangster from the Bronx's Frog Hollow Gang of the late 1890s. Little is known about that first Dutch Schultz, but his namesake became one of the most ruthless and violent gangsters of his era.

He was among New York's leading bootleggers during the Eighteenth Amendment's prohibition of alcohol, opening several clandestine bars in the Bronx, which were stocked with hard liquor smuggled in from Canada and a gang-brewed beer that tasted awful but sold briskly in the absence of any other choices. He was among the leaders ofLucky Luciano's Murder, Inc., and used these connections to expand his chain of speakeasies into Manhattan, which led to a bloody gang war.



Welcome to the DREAM Act Portal | DREAM Act Portal

Welcome to the DREAM Act Portal | DREAM Act Portal


Over three million students graduate from U.S. high schools every year. Most get the opportunity to test their dreams and live their American story. However, a group of approximately 65,000 youth do not get this opportunity; they are smeared with an inherited title, an illegal immigrant. These youth have lived in the United States for most of their lives and want nothing more than to be recognized for what they are, Americans.

Poetry Month: Katha Pollitt

Breaking the Rules -guide to smartphone etiquette.

The Brian Lehrer Show: Breaking the Rules - WNYC

guide to smartphone etiquette.

Free Audio Books

Free Audio Books

Welcome to LearnOutLoud.com, Your Audio Learning Resource on the Internet.
LearnOutLoud.com has scoured the Internet to bring you over 3000 free audio and video titles. This directory features free audio books, lectures, speeches, sermons, interviews, and many other great free audio and video resources. Most audio titles can be downloaded in digital formats such as MP3 and most video titles are available to stream online. Enjoy!

Gang Land News: America's Expert on the American Mafia

Gang Land News: America's Expert on the American Mafia

Hulu - Flow: For Love of Water - Watch the full movie now.

Hulu - Flow: For Love of Water - Watch the full movie now.

Oscilloscope Laboratories presents Irena Salina’s award-winning documentary investigation into what experts label the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st Century - The World Water Crisis.Salina builds a case against the growing privatization of the world’s dwindling fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel. Interviews with scientists and activists intelligently reveal the rapidly building crisis, at both the global and human scale, and the film introduces many of the governmental and corporate culprits behind the water grab, while begging the question ‘Can anyone really own water?’ Beyond identifying the problem, Flow also gives viewers a look at the people and institutions providing practical solutions to the water crisis and those developing new technologies, which are fast becoming blueprints for a successful global and economic turnaround.

Tyrone Hayes, Biologist/Herpetologist

Tyrone Hayes | AGsense

Tyrone Hayes, Ph.D., a professor at the University of California-Berkeley, has conducted research that he claims shows atrazine harms frogs. What you might not know is that Hayes is well known to the scientists of the EPA, who reviewed four of his studies during the agency’s 2002 and 2003 examination of atrazine. They even visited Hayes’ lab, and reviewed some of his raw findings. According to Anne E. Lindsay, who was deputy director of the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs at the time, the agency foundHayes’ studies (and lots of others) too flawed and inconsistent to be considered proof that zatrazine harms frogs

Apr 19, 2011

Info.com - Search the Web-10 Search Engines At Once.

Info.com - Search the Web
10 Search Engines At Once.

Sisters on the Planet — Oxfam America

Sisters on the Planet — Oxfam America

Hunger is not about too many people and too little food. It's about poverty--and inequality. And women and girls face the greatest inequalities of all.
Hunger is not about too many people and too little food. Power and politics determines who eats and who doesn't.

Three quarters of our planet's hungriest people live in rural areas, where most of them work as farmers, herders, or fishers. They are surrounded by the means to produce food, and yet many go hungry.

Meanwhile, fertile land and water are becoming scarce. Erratic growing seasons, water shortages and rising temperatures caused by climate change are already hurting farmers. Oxfam calculates that by 2015 over 375 million people, most of them poor, will be affected each year by climate-related disasters like hurricanes and floods.

In many countries, women are the primary food producers. Yet women face hunger and poverty more frequently than men. Hungry mothers give birth to low birthweight children, renewing a generational cycle of inequality.

‘Runaway CEO Pay’ Could Support Jobs, AFL-CIO Says - Bloomberg

‘Runaway CEO Pay’ Could Support Jobs, AFL-CIO Says - Bloomberg

Chief executive officers at 299 U.S. companies had combined compensation of $3.4 billion in 2010, enough to pay more than 102,000 workers, the AFL-CIO labor federation reported in a study.

Ron Paul Deserves Credit, His Supporters Deserve Time / Confessions of a former Ronulan | RedState

Ron Paul Deserves Credit, His Supporters Deserve Time / Confessions of a former Ronulan | RedState

My faith in the “establishment” of the Republican Party was pretty close to an all time low. Deeper than just frustration, it was a real feeling of betrayal.

Then I found Ron Paul. What attracted me to his campaign was his unwavering call for freedom, and adherence to the Constitution. His focus on these two themes appeared radical yet classical, genuine and not political, refreshingly patriotic and anti-establishment. As to his stance on the issues, there was much to like:

- Not only was he pro-life, he had repeatedly introduced very solid pro-life legislation.

- He was strong on the 10th amendment and reducing the size of the federal government

- He was so strong on spending and taxes, it was a little bit scary

- He was strong on ed choice

- He was strong on the right to bear arms

Libertarians might be moderates…Constitutional Conservatives are to the extreme right of the republican party.

right-wing extremist.

  • The Real World;
  • Basic Economics;
  • Foreign Policy;
  • US History.
I am pro-life
I want to build a brick wall between Mexico and the USA
I support a strong national DEFENSE
I want to abolish the Department of Energy and Education.
I want a balanced budget amendment
I am against the welfare state.
I believe that the constitution is the law of the land.

I think the fact I want to save trillions of dollars by bringing the troops home when we are on verge of bankruptcy makes me more conservative than you are.

The people of Red-State tend to be conservative

broadly defining conservatism as having 3 legs, with the underlying premise that the Constitution is the law of the land.
- Fiscal resp. / small government
- Strong National Defense
- Social / Moral / Family Values

risk factors for peer pressure

There are certain risk factors for peer pressure, personality traits that make you more prone to give in to pressure. The traits that put you at higher risk for falling in to the peer pressure trap include:

•low self esteem
•lack of confidence
•uncertainty about ones place within a given peer group
•no personal interests exclusive of one’s peer group
•feeling isolated from peers and/or family
•fear of one’s peers
•lack of strong ties to friends
•feeling that friends could turn on you
•close bond with a bully

Free from the Nightmare of Prohibition

Free from the Nightmare of Prohibition

It may be hard to believe today, but early in the 20th century a 10-year-old girl could walk into a drug store and buy a bottle of whiskey or a packet of heroin. She didn't need a doctor's prescription or even a note from her parents. Any druggist would sell to her without batting an eye; he would assume she was on an errand for her parents.

religion online

religion online

Full texts by recognized religious scholars

More than 6,000 articles and chapters. Topics include Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions and Religious Education.

White Lies, Hard Truths

White Lies, Hard Truths

As the late Carlyle Marney said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you flinch before it makes you free."

Yes, the truth might make you flinch, but it will also make you free--free enough, maybe, to find your way on the terrain of life.

Does this mean we always blurt out the truth, no matter what? Let me suggest two guidelines.

Apr 18, 2011

New York City Council - All New York City Council Members

New York City Council - All New York City Council Members

COOGI's CEO, Vincent Nesi

Vincent Nesi went from a career in finance to designing clothes, and now he's CEO of Luxirie by LRG, heading up one of the most lively and diverse women's street brands out there. I recently sat down with Vincent to preview Luxirie's fall 2010 collection, chat about his idol, how he made the come-up and more:

"When it comes to merchandising, you have buyers coming in every 15 minutes, so you have to be super quick. When you meet somebody, you have to know within the first minute, how do I play today? Are they super straight-laced, and you're not supposed to use the f-word in the appointment? You have about 15 seconds to read them, and then another 15 minutes to make an entire presentation to try and sell them as much as you can."

YouTube Interview with Vincent Nesi

urban news-who’s making moves vincent nesi ceo of luxirie

Daymond John Bio - Shark Tank - ABC.com

Daymond John Bio - Shark Tank - ABC.com

Main Industry:
First Huge Success:
FUBU clothing line earned $350 million in 1998.
Zodiac Sign:
Did You Know?
He started out making and selling tie-top hats on the streets of Queens, NY.

Daymond entered the literary world with his first book Display of Power: How FUBU Changed A World Of Fashion, Branding And Lifestyle which tells the story of his awe-inspiring journey and provides a roadmap for those who aspire to succeed in business and in life. Daymond followed up his with his second book, The Brand Within: How We Brand Ourselves, From Birth To The Boardroom, which examines the loyal relationships 

Daymond John's creative vision helped revolutionize the sportswear industry in the 1990s. As founder, president and chief executive officer of FUBU—“For Us, By Us”—Daymond created distinctive and fashionable sportswear and a host of other related gear. FUBU's phenomenal success made mainstream apparel companies realize the potential for fashionable sportswear that appeals not just to trendsetting urban youth, but to mainstream teens as well.
Daymond was born in the New York City borough of Brooklyn but spent his childhood in the Hollis neighborhood of Queens during the 1970s. An only child, he grew up in a single-parent household headed by his mother, who was a flight attendant for American Airlines but often held more than one job. His first foray into the apparel market came when he wanted a tie-top hat and was put off by the price. Daymond asked his mother to teach him how to use a sewing machine, and he began making the distinctive tie-top hats in the morning and then selling them on the streets of Queens in the evening hours.
To learn more about Daymond John, visit www.fblegacy.com, and www.daymondjohn.com.

DatPiff :: The Authority in Free Mixtapes

DatPiff :: The Authority in Free Mixtapes

FUBU’s Coogi claims 10pc of sales come from mobile - Mobile Marketer - Advertising

FUBU’s Coogi claims 10pc of sales come from mobile - Mobile Marketer - Advertising

Additionally, Coogi is implementing mobile marketing offers and messaging targeting club-goers and hip-hop music fans via a sponsorship of Club Droid. Violator DJs, the deejay coalition responsible for breaking exclusive new music first from some of hip-hop’s biggest names, including 50 Cent, Busta Rhymes and Soulja Boy, has partnered with Digital Mind State, a new startup led by CEO Mike Johns, focused on brand advertising and integration across mobile, PCs, television and the iPad, for the launch of Club Droid 2.0.

“At least 20 percent of our traffic and 10 percent of our sales come from mobile, and we are working toward making the handheld experience more satisfying.

...redirects users to an in-app landing page promoting Coogi's latest clothing line

Club Droid operates on the Android OS, which has now surpassed both Research In Motion’s BlackBerry and Apple’s iPhone in terms of nationwide market share in the United States and Britain.

Apr 17, 2011

National Advisory Board

The Century Council is a leader in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking and promotes responsible decision making regarding beverage alcohol.

National Advisory Board | Lisa Graham Keegan, Anthony Wolf, & …

Established at our founding, the distinguished National Advisory Board brings experience and diverse points of view to The Century Council.

The More You Know

The More You Know

"The More You Know" public service campaign has been raising awareness of the country's most important social issues and motivating viewers to take action. This year, the multi-platform campaign focuses on four important topics: diversity, education, health and the environment.

The biggest talent from across NBCUniversal participated in the campaign this season, including: Alec Baldwin (30 Rock), Alison Sweeney (The Biggest Loser), Brian Williams (NBC News), Ken Jeong (Community), Mel B (It's A Scary World), Matt Bomer (White Collar), Seth Meyers (Saturday Night Live) as well as President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

Click here to view some of the awards.

Apr 15, 2011

Choose your country or region

Apple - Choose your country or region

Online Course Helping American Indian Leaders Improve Tribal Governance

Online Course Helping American Indian Leaders Improve Tribal Governance

The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe’s Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture & Lifeways received an Honoring Nations award from the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development.

“These governments were not very sophisticated and were often unwieldy, with no provisions for court systems. These systems usually hampered efforts to get things done,” says Dr. Stephen Cornell, faculty chairman of the University of Arizona’s Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management and Policy.
The old governments also carry a legacy of colonialism that creates distrust in leadership and fosters economic dependence, Cornell says. As one tribal leader told Cornell, “We’re trying to replace the victim attitude with the victor attitude.”
NNI’s new online education course seeks to help tribal leaders do just that. The Institute has created an eight-course series entitled “Rebuilding Native Nations: Strategies for Governance and Development” and designed to strengthen and improve the operations of American and Canadian Indian nations.

Rebuilding Native Nations

The NNI course includes nine learning modules presenting information in the form of video lectures by course instructors and perspectives of more than 100 Indian leaders and scholars, including Frank Ettawageshik of the Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians; David Gipp of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the president of United Tribes Technical College in North Dakota; and the late Wilma Mankiller (1945-2010) of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, who was the first female to be elected Principal Chief.

Acclaimed historian and law professor Annette Gordon-Reed is among 23 winners of 2010 MacArthur fellowships.

Malcolm X Scholar Manning Marable Dies at 60

Malcolm X Scholar Manning Marable Dies at 60

“I think his legacy is that he was both a scholar and an activist,”..... “He believed that history could be used to inform the present and the future.”

Dr. Manning Marable, an influential historian whose forthcoming Malcolm X biography could revise perceptions of the slain civil rights leader

Marable followed a scholarly path but turned toward progressive politics to help shape his understanding of the world and his people. He wrote hundreds of papers and nearly 20 books, including the landmark How Capitalism Underdeveloped Black America, published in 1983.
At Columbia University, where he was a professor, he was the founding director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies and established the Center for Contemporary Black History.

Apr 13, 2011

The Phrase Finder

Choose a phrase?

'Say cheese'! Why cheese? See the meaning and origin of this phrase
The meaning and origin of the phrase 'What's not to like?'
 'Which is which?'

African Americans and Hoover Dam

The construction of Hoover Dam was proof of human progress on many levels. Progress on civil rights and race relations, however, could not be counted among them.

Still, by 1933 only 24 African American workers, less than one percent of the total work force, had been hired and none were allowed to live in Boulder City.

Hiring African Americans

In May 1931, the Colored Citizens Labor and Protective Association of Las Vegas complained that none of the first 1,000 workers placed on Six Companies’ payroll for the dam project were African American.

The U.S. government’s contract with Six Companies stipulated that American citizens be hired for the job. No race, except for “Mongolians” were specifically excluded. The term American citizen, however, came to be defined as white American citizen.

Watch it Online

Cornerstone Speech-Alexander Stephens

Cornerstone Speech " [Alexander Stephens] he radicals on the Southern side stood for a free, independent, Southern republic. A republic that would be founded on slavery, with slavery as its cornerstone, as Alexander Stephens, the vice president of the Confederacy, famously said in a speech known as "The Cornerstone Speech."

"He explicitly repudiated Thomas Jefferson's doctrine that all men are created equal, and he said: We in our new republic have a new dogma, that we are a republic whose cornerstone is slavery."

"And yet, there are still arguments about what was the Civil War really about. And some people say: Oh, it wasn't really about slavery. Why are we still arguing about what the Civil War was about?"
Adam Goodheart. Profile

Mr. GOODHEART (Historian): Well, you know, when you go back, and you look at the actual documents and debates from the time, of course, many people have said since then that it was about states' rights. But really the only significant state right that people were arguing about in 1860 was the right to own what was known as slave property - property and slaves - unimpeded and to be able to travel with that property anywhere that you wanted to, to be able to spread slavery across the United States.

"Certainly it's difficult for Southern Americans to accept that their ancestors fought a war on behalf of slavery. And I think that Northerners really, for the cause of national reconciliation, decided to push that aside, decided to accept Southerners' denials or demurrals."

"Thinking about just how interwoven slavery was into Southern society, into American society actually, because there were large sectors of the Northern economy that depended on slavery, the entire textile industry, which was huge in many parts of the North. And Northerners were very aware of what the destruction of slavery would mean for their economy."

Stephens said that the American Revolution had been based on a premise that was “fundamentally wrong.” That premise was, as Stephens defined it, “the assumption of equality of the races.” Stephens insisted that, instead, “our new [Confederate] government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea. Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man. Slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great and moral truth.”