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Mar 6, 2011

YouTube - AFP's Channel----Multimedia, MULTIMEDIA JOURNALISM, World History, Current Events, Social Studies, Math, Economics,

YouTube - AFP's Channel

AFP’s in-depth reporting ensures complete coverage of general news from around the world: politics, diplomacy, business, social, environment, sport, people, science, culture, offbeat, entertainment, fashion, lifestyle, health...
AFP’s in-depth reporting ensures complete coverage of general news from around the world: politics, diplomacy, business, social, environment, sport, people, science, culture, offbeat, entertainment, fashion, lifestyle, health...
AFP traces its history back to the 1835 creation of Agence Havas, the world's first international news agency.  

News for the Internet

World news is pre-packaged with text, photographs, video and graphics and delivered to Internet sites, mobile telephones, and big screens. Available in seven languages.

In a world where the lines are often blurred between news, rumour, gossip and spin, AFP delivers the facts: accurate, fast, clear and balanced news.

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online. 

A team of 2,900 staff including more than 1,400 staff journalists and 700 freelancers in 165 countries.