I have expanded my brains to learn on different skills and topics as I have always believed in the principle of constant learning and experimenting. The day where you stop learning is the day you decay. I love nothing more than to keep my brains (and sometimes limbs) stimulated and to me,...
Jun 16, 2011
Excellent examples of writing about what you know - A Blog
I have commenced writing short humor based on my own true, but often embellished, lame adventures.
Jun 15, 2011
Welcome to Summer Reading 2011
You can also watch "How To Use Summerreading.org" on SchoolTube.
Your journey begins June 9!
Sign up for Summer Reading at your library or online at www.summerreading.org
Summer Reading is a great way to connect with other readers and read what you want at your own pace. You can also participate in fun, free activities. Babies, kids, tweens and teens can play an interactive game for the chance to win a Sony Bloggie™ camera! Pick up a game at your library.
May 23, 2011
Social Media Fights Ugandan Anti-Gay Legislation
Spain Bans Mass Protests
hundreds of protesters in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square
protesters were reacting to unemployment and the economic crisis
Youths defiant at 'Spanish revolution' camp in Madrid
May 19, 2011
The Ballot or the Bullet by Malcolm X
Although I'm still a Muslim, I'm not here tonight to discuss my religion. I'm not here to try and change your religion. I'm not here to argue or discuss anything that we differ about, because it's time for us to submerge our differences and realize that it is best for us to first see that we have the same problem, a common problem, a problem that will make you catch hell whether you're a Baptist, or a Methodist, or a Muslim, or a nationalist. Whether you're educated or illiterate, whether you live on the boulevard or in the alley, you're going to catch hell just like I am. We're all in the same boat and we all are going to catch the same hell from the same man. He just happens to be a white man. All of us have suffered here, in this country, political oppression at the hands of the white man, economic exploitation at the hands of the white man, and social degradation at the hands of the white man.
May 18, 2011
E-mail guidelines and etiquette
"Zeitgeist: Moving Forward"
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward [2011] by director Peter Joseph is a 162 minute film work which continues what the prior two films of the Zeitgeist Film Series started: a critical look at the “Zeitgeist” or ‘Spirit /Awareness of the Time’. A prominent underlying thesis of the Film Series is that a great many notions, beliefs and practices currently engaged in today and assumed as “presupposed”, “given” or seemingly empirical to our societal approaches and values are not only intellectually/historically incorrect but highly detrimental to our personal and social progress and sustainability.
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward focuses on the very fabric of the social order: Monetary-Market Economics. While the majority of the world today have slowly come to see some basic flaws in the economic system we share, as large scale debt defaults, inflation, industrial pollution, resource depletion, rising cancer rates and other signposts emerge to bring the concern into the realm of “public health” overall, very few however consider the economic paradigm as a whole as the source. The tendency is to demand reform in one area or another, avoiding the possibility that perhaps the entire system is intrinsically flawed at the foundational level. ZMF presents the case that it is, indeed, the very foundational mechanics of this system that generates the patterns of behavior and unsustainable methods of conduct that are leading to the vast spectrum of detrimental consequences both personal, social, and environmental and the longer they go on, the worse things will become.
For example, here are four of the more dominant points with respect to the current system:
-The Market System is based on “Cyclical Consumption” and in order for society to continue it’s economic operation through “labor” as the basic starting point there must be perpetual turnover of goods and services and the rate of this turnover cannot be inhibited beyond a certain level. The consequence is that strategic conservation and efficiency (the true measures of the quality of an “economy”) in the ecological, technological and hence/scientific sense become detrimental factors to perpetuating the artificial need for Cyclical Consumption. In other words the less efficient the goods and services produced, the more eventual demand and the more turnover will occur in general to meet those needs. This is the exact opposite of what logic demands for a true economic system, which would need to be based on preservation and maximum sustainability/strategic longevity. The reduction of consumption and waste is a central need for ongoing human survival on a finite planet. We live in an “anti-economy,” in fact.
May 7, 2011
"Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent".
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race” Calvin Coolidge
May 6, 2011
Honor the Earth is a Native-Led Organization
As a unique national Native initiative, Honor the Earth works to a) raise public awareness and b) raise and direct funds to grassroots Native environmental groups. We are the only Native organization that provides both financial support and organizing support to Native environmental initiatives. This model is based on strategic analysis of what is needed to forge change in Indian country, and it is based deep in our communities, histories, and long term struggles to protect the earth.
May 5, 2011
50 Year Anniversary of the Freedom Riders
Fifty years ago today, the inaugural Freedom Ride left Washington
It was the spring of 1961, when the first 13 Freedom Riders planned a two week trek from Washington, D.C. They would take two buses through the deep South.
Hank Thomas was just 19 when he boarded the bus. “We had no thought of any kind of violence,” he said.
But violence would come ten days later. Outside of Anniston, Alabama, Thomas’ bus was surrounded by the Ku Klux Klan and set on fire. He and five others were almost burned alive.
“I was looking for the easiest way to die,” he said.
Hours later in Birmingham, the second bus –carrying seven others — was met by pipes and bats. James Peck lost six teeth and was knocked unconscious.
“We must not surrender to violence,” Peck said in 1961
Diane Nash was a 22-year-old junior at Fisk University in Nashville.
“It was critical at that moment that we not allow the rides to stop,” Nash said.
This site offers two approaches for the study of specific time periods in American women's history.
Middle Tennessee State Univ. Library
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
May 4, 2011
NYC Dept of Transportation Says Biking Is Up And Streets Are Safer
NYC Dept of Transportation Says Biking Is Up And Streets Are Safer
Biking continues to go up in New York as driving and transit ridership stays nearly flat, according to a report being released today by the New York City Department of Transportation. The report found that bicycle commuting into Manhattan increased by 13 percent in 2010. During that same period, subway and bus ridership dropped by a little bit over 2 percent, while car traffic rose slightly.
The report comes after several other reports, including reports out of NYU and Rutgers, say cycling is only a small percentage of commuters. But the NYC DOT says that is based on older data gathered by the US census, and that census data is an inexact measure of bike commuting because it only measures “primary” methods of commutes. The DOT says its methods are more accurate because they measure actual bicycle riders, consistent with national traffic management measures.
Apr 29, 2011
Project Gutenberg - free ebooks online download for iPad, Kindle, Nook, Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, Sony Reader
We carry high quality ebooks: Our ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers and digitized by us with the help of thousands of volunteers.
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Apr 28, 2011
Apr 24, 2011
Apr 23, 2011
iPetitions - Start a free online petition in minutes
Apr 21, 2011
SIX FOR FIVE: BO WEINBERG Evolution of an Illustration
Dutch Schultz - "Dutch Schultz"
Welcome to the DREAM Act Portal | DREAM Act Portal
Free Audio Books
LearnOutLoud.com has scoured the Internet to bring you over 3000 free audio and video titles. This directory features free audio books, lectures, speeches, sermons, interviews, and many other great free audio and video resources. Most audio titles can be downloaded in digital formats such as MP3 and most video titles are available to stream online. Enjoy!
Hulu - Flow: For Love of Water - Watch the full movie now.
Tyrone Hayes, Biologist/Herpetologist
Apr 20, 2011
Apr 19, 2011
Info.com - Search the Web-10 Search Engines At Once.
Sisters on the Planet — Oxfam America
Three quarters of our planet's hungriest people live in rural areas, where most of them work as farmers, herders, or fishers. They are surrounded by the means to produce food, and yet many go hungry.
Meanwhile, fertile land and water are becoming scarce. Erratic growing seasons, water shortages and rising temperatures caused by climate change are already hurting farmers. Oxfam calculates that by 2015 over 375 million people, most of them poor, will be affected each year by climate-related disasters like hurricanes and floods.
In many countries, women are the primary food producers. Yet women face hunger and poverty more frequently than men. Hungry mothers give birth to low birthweight children, renewing a generational cycle of inequality.
‘Runaway CEO Pay’ Could Support Jobs, AFL-CIO Says - Bloomberg
Ron Paul Deserves Credit, His Supporters Deserve Time / Confessions of a former Ronulan | RedState
My faith in the “establishment” of the Republican Party was pretty close to an all time low. Deeper than just frustration, it was a real feeling of betrayal.
Then I found Ron Paul. What attracted me to his campaign was his unwavering call for freedom, and adherence to the Constitution. His focus on these two themes appeared radical yet classical, genuine and not political, refreshingly patriotic and anti-establishment. As to his stance on the issues, there was much to like:
- Not only was he pro-life, he had repeatedly introduced very solid pro-life legislation.
- He was strong on the 10th amendment and reducing the size of the federal government
- He was so strong on spending and taxes, it was a little bit scary
- He was strong on ed choice
- He was strong on the right to bear arms
Libertarians might be moderates…Constitutional Conservatives are to the extreme right of the republican party.
right-wing extremist.
- The Real World;
- Basic Economics;
- Foreign Policy;
- US History.
I want to build a brick wall between Mexico and the USA
I support a strong national DEFENSE
I want to abolish the Department of Energy and Education.
I want a balanced budget amendment
I am against the welfare state.
I believe that the constitution is the law of the land.
- Strong National Defense
- Social / Moral / Family Values
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White Lies, Hard Truths
Apr 18, 2011
COOGI's CEO, Vincent Nesi
"When it comes to merchandising, you have buyers coming in every 15 minutes, so you have to be super quick. When you meet somebody, you have to know within the first minute, how do I play today? Are they super straight-laced, and you're not supposed to use the f-word in the appointment? You have about 15 seconds to read them, and then another 15 minutes to make an entire presentation to try and sell them as much as you can."
YouTube Interview with Vincent Nesi
urban news-who’s making moves vincent nesi ceo of luxirie
Daymond John Bio - Shark Tank - ABC.com
First Huge Success:
FUBU clothing line earned $350 million in 1998.
Zodiac Sign:
Did You Know?
He started out making and selling tie-top hats on the streets of Queens, NY.
Daymond entered the literary world with his first book Display of Power: How FUBU Changed A World Of Fashion, Branding And Lifestyle which tells the story of his awe-inspiring journey and provides a roadmap for those who aspire to succeed in business and in life. Daymond followed up his with his second book, The Brand Within: How We Brand Ourselves, From Birth To The Boardroom, which examines the loyal relationships
FUBU’s Coogi claims 10pc of sales come from mobile - Mobile Marketer - Advertising
...redirects users to an in-app landing page promoting Coogi's latest clothing line
Club Droid operates on the Android OS, which has now surpassed both Research In Motion’s BlackBerry and Apple’s iPhone in terms of nationwide market share in the United States and Britain.