ip information

Apr 12, 2011

SNITTER: a desktop Twitter client


Snitter is "Snook's Twitter": an Adobe AIR-powered application for twittering. 
Twitter allows you to send messages of up to 140 characters. You can follow what other people are doing and they can follow what you are doing.
It's a neat little app and it's been handy and fun to follow what other people are up to. However, I've never been overly impressed by the web site. It seemed inefficient and problematic. To fill the void, there have been plenty of desktop applications built to make it easier to twitter, most notably Twitterific. It being a Mac program, and I being a Windows user, have rarely been able to take advantage of it.
Snitter is a new Twittering tool that brings your tweets to your desktop, and works on both Macs and PCs.
The application runs on Adobe AIR, and you’ll need to download it in order to enjoy all of its features. It very much resembles an instant messaging client. And what are these features that required you to bring yourTwitter to your desktop using Adobe AIR? It will highlight messages sent to you via @ syntax and make a chirp sound. You’ll also be updated with your current list of tweets in an easily accessible desktop window that can be resized and minimized.