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Apr 19, 2011

Ron Paul Deserves Credit, His Supporters Deserve Time / Confessions of a former Ronulan | RedState

Ron Paul Deserves Credit, His Supporters Deserve Time / Confessions of a former Ronulan | RedState

My faith in the “establishment” of the Republican Party was pretty close to an all time low. Deeper than just frustration, it was a real feeling of betrayal.

Then I found Ron Paul. What attracted me to his campaign was his unwavering call for freedom, and adherence to the Constitution. His focus on these two themes appeared radical yet classical, genuine and not political, refreshingly patriotic and anti-establishment. As to his stance on the issues, there was much to like:

- Not only was he pro-life, he had repeatedly introduced very solid pro-life legislation.

- He was strong on the 10th amendment and reducing the size of the federal government

- He was so strong on spending and taxes, it was a little bit scary

- He was strong on ed choice

- He was strong on the right to bear arms

Libertarians might be moderates…Constitutional Conservatives are to the extreme right of the republican party.

right-wing extremist.

  • The Real World;
  • Basic Economics;
  • Foreign Policy;
  • US History.
I am pro-life
I want to build a brick wall between Mexico and the USA
I support a strong national DEFENSE
I want to abolish the Department of Energy and Education.
I want a balanced budget amendment
I am against the welfare state.
I believe that the constitution is the law of the land.

I think the fact I want to save trillions of dollars by bringing the troops home when we are on verge of bankruptcy makes me more conservative than you are.

The people of Red-State tend to be conservative

broadly defining conservatism as having 3 legs, with the underlying premise that the Constitution is the law of the land.
- Fiscal resp. / small government
- Strong National Defense
- Social / Moral / Family Values